charging station

this is my first try at a charging station/basket, its a little small, but I didn't want it too big, also I think I'd like a lid since it gets very dusty on my desk. I was feeling pretty colorful, the inner shelf is a box I cut and spray glued batting and then spray glued fabric and handsewed the top fabric. I used super stiff interfacing as well as batting on the sides of the basket to make it stand, but its still a little floppy
*Charging Station concluded...
I added a flap and a strip of velcro along the back on the side to keep the cords tidy, I also lowered the shelf about 1/2 inch, I'm not sure if I like the shelf or not, it can be used both with or without it. I had to stitch the corners (you can see where they pucker) to keep the square shape.  overall I'm pleased- I like that the excess cords are tidy under the shelf out of sight.

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